Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is scoring down for the World Cup so far?

I've heard a lot of talk about how scoring is down and what it means so far. The problem I saw was that everyone was citing numbers for average goals per game over the course of the entire tournament.  It could be possible that goals per game is different for the team's first game. I only looked at the last 5 World Cups (back to 1990).

World Cup: Average Goals Through Each Team's 1st Game

Average 2010 2006 2002 1998 1994 1990
Goals Per Game 1.563 2.438 2.875 2.313 2.500 2.250
Goal Differential 0.938 1.438 1.500 1.063 1.333 1.417

2010 is the first year where the average goal differential is less than 1 and the average total number of goals per game is less than 2.  The past years were somewhat skewed by some large wins by some of the better nations that haven't really happened this year (except Germany).

What will happen from here on out? Hopefully more scoring. Your ideas in the comments on why the scoring is down, please.

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