Saturday, May 20, 2006


At first thought Jodie Foster would be nothing special as a graduation speaker, but apparently she turned out differently at the Penn graduation. She spoke well and rapped Eminem's "Lose Yourself" lyrics at the end of the speech. Sounds like it must have been pretty good.
Penn always seems to me to get some pretty good speakers. Let me list some of their past speakers since I looked it up. Kofi Annan (2005), Bono (2004), Archbishop Desmond Tutu (2003), John McCain (2001), Jimmy Carter (1998), ok, I'll stop. I just hope that I get a cool speaker at my graduation.

Alright, enough of that. I don't know how Hopkins graduation went, but I hope it was awesome and I wish the best of luck to all the new graduates that I know.

P.S. No comment on the Phils tonight, yes 4 losses in a row, but if they win next 2 I'll be alright.

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