Sunday, May 28, 2006

Long Weekend

Well the weekend isn't over yet, but I'm spent. Long weekend of lots of fun. Thursday the parents left with my little brother to go to crew nationals in upstate new York. Thursday after I got home from work I just chilled and enjoyed having the house to myself. In as few words as possible Thursday night was basically just getting high, simple and enjoyable. Friday, I had to go to eye doctors (wake myself up and go there myself - horrible). Working Friday night reminded me how much it sucks to be working as everyone comes in to get something before they go out for the night, but I'm stuck there for the night. Encountered a few hot girls as they came in and a few people that got drunk a bit too early. After work I drove over to Medford, NJ to hang out with Francis and some other jersey guys and prep guys. Yuengling from the tap is delicious, it was a good night, nice to see some people. I got pretty messed up and almost passed out in the grass but made it to a couch thanks to frank.

Saturday Frank, his friend DJ, and I eventually made it to Jam on the River, after a little bit of pregaming and preparing for the show we made it inside. The first band we saw was Benevento Russo Duo, pretty cool keyboard/piano and drums duo. They were entertaining and a good start to our concert. Next up was The New Deal, entertaining band very much like The Disco Biscuits - techno jam band with guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard. They definitely took advantage of the big, anxious crowd and really got everyone pumped up for the last band. The Disco Biscuits came on and played an awesome set. I was flying around and really feeling and enjoying the music. It probably wasn't the best set I've ever heard them play, but it was still fun and entertaining and made me glad that I went.
Just as a side note this year there was a lot of smoking going on at jam on the river and I didn't see a single person get caught in any way, that's nice to see. I think its going to be a nice summer season of shows, I'm ready to see some great shows.

That was basically it for my weekend, I went home after the concert because I had to work at 7am. The only bad part of my weekend came when I got lost leaving frank's house and ended up getting pulled over and getting a speeding ticket. Not that big of a deal besides the fact that I don't feel like giving that money to the government and that I was really tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Now I'm just resting up cause tomorrow I'm supposed to go sailing with dad and uncle and then go to the phillies game at night with Charlie, Adam, Prince, and others maybe. Its nice to be home and its nice to have some people back around because let me just say that my house is just too big to be alone in it for a few days.
that's all I got right now, I know it was a lot, can't wait for the world cup - US is beating Latvia 1-0 in the 84th minute of a friendly match. I'm going to watch the end of this and then play some mvp 06 NCAA, have a great memorial day everyone.

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