Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Sandlot 300

I hope that everyone has seen The Sandlot. It's a great movie, that everyone should enjoy. Now also my favorite new movie would have to be 300, if you like those kinds of movies I highly recommend seeing it. Now this video is what you would get if you mixed the two.
Now I know this has nothing to do with anything, but this where the Beyond part of Philly and Beyond comes in and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Skeeter said...

300 is one of the best movies I have seen in quite some time. I've already seen in 3 times and am probably going for a fourth on Friday at imax.


Thats another funny 300 trailer in a PG version.

Also, if you like the video game Halo (I love it), there are a whole bunch of halo/300 trailers on youtube. I suggest you check them out too.

That sandlot one was just great though.

Old Fat Ted said...

That was very PG. Funny though.